Pranayama & Meditation Teacher Training
April 8 -May 5, 2025
Instructors: Aiyana Athenian
Featuring Krishna Peter Perry in recordings
Location: Online
Sign now to hold your spot! Registration closes April 1.
We still have $100 scholarships available for this course.
In this 30-hour online training participants gain an in-depth understanding of the theory, practice, and teaching of pranayama and how to guide different yogic meditations. Through pranayama classes, technical labs and practice teaching assignments, participants learn how to create a variety of pranayama sequences for specific needs. Accompanying the pranayama are meditation practices, exploring a variety of yogic meditation techniques. Students not only build or strengthen their own meditation practices, but also learn how to lead students in meditation sessions.
Participants learn eight classical pranayamas and gain experience in teaching them. The course also includes information on how to tailor the pranayamas to different physical, energetic and mental conditions. Each week a short 15-min pranayama recording is shared and participants are recommended to practice this multiple times per week. A longer pranayama practice is also shared (approximately 50-60 min) that is practiced once weekly. There is an asana video and a meditation video, both of about 30 minutes duration to be practiced weekly. The asana video is designed to prepare the body for the longer pranayama video.
Participants will learn about yogic theory of prana and the application to pranayamas from the Hatha Yoga Pradīpikā and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, as well as dharana and dhyana (concentration and meditation) in over 5 hours of Philosophy recordings. Additional video materials include more than six hours of technical material exploring the various pranayamas and how to teach them for various types of students, as well as how to sequence pranayama practices/classes. Lastly, guidance is offered in how to structure meditation classes and lead short meditation retreats. One weekly recorded Q&A session is offered in which participants can ask questions beforehand that the instructors address in the recorded session.
This course is perfect for yoga instructors wanting to gain new skills to offer to their students or desiring to make their classes more meditative. Upon completion of the course graduates will receive a certificate of completion and can register the hours with Yoga Alliance for 30 CEs.
1 Short 15- minute Pranayama Practice per week for 4 weeks, to be practiced several days/week (Total of 4 pre-recorded videos)
1 Long 60- minute Pranayama Practice per week for 4 weeks, to be practiced one time/week (Total of 4 pre-recorded videos)
1 @30- minute Asana Practice per week for 4 weeks, recommended to be practiced in preparation for the Long Pranayama practice one time/week (Total of 4 pre-recorded videos)
1 @15-20 min Yogic Dharana- Concentration/Meditation Practice per week for 4 weeks, to be practiced one time/week (Total of 4 pre-recorded videos)
1 @75-80 min Philosophy Video per week for 4 weeks (Total of 4 pre-recorded videos)
1 @90- 120 min Pranayama/Dharana Technique/Teaching Methods Video per week for 4 weeks (Total of 4 pre-recorded videos)
1 Question & Answer session responding to participants questions each week for 4 weeks (Total of 4 recorded videos)
There are also usually 2 homework assignments each week, including written prompts in response to the videos and pranayama or meditation practice teaching. This course also includes an opportunity to connect with other course participants on an online forum. The instructors are available throughout the course to answer questions online and offer weekly recorded Q&A sessions in response to participants questions each week.
Allot about 7-8 hours/week for completion of all course material.
Participants may save links to all the recorded material for on-going access to all course material after the course ends.
Early Registration Rate: Registered by February 25, 2025: $295.00 USD.
Regular Rate: Registered by April 1, 2025: $395.00 USD
Registration: To register, submit the application below.
Pre-requisites: Prior yoga and pranayama experience or completion of a 200-hour YTT.
Continuing Education Credits: 30 non-contact CE hours are available with Yoga Alliance for the Pranayama & Meditation Teacher Certification Course. Please notify us before the training if you wish to receive CE’s.
Scholarships: We have limited $100 scholarships available for this training. Please Contact us for details on how to apply for a scholarship. They are awarded on a first-come first-serve basis, so early registration is recommended if you are interested in a scholarship. Please only apply for a scholarship if you feel you absolutely need it to attend, as our scholarship funding is limited.
Application Deadline for April/May 2025 Course: April 1, 2025.
Step 1: Fill out and submit the application below or contact us to receive an application by mail.
Step 2: Once an application has been submitted, you will be redirected to a payment page. Please submit full payment for the course. Once your application and payment are received, your application will be reviewed. An application will not be reviewed without payment.
Step 3: An acceptance packet, which includes additional information about the training will be e-mailed to the applicant within 2 weeks after the application and deposit have been received.
Please only submit an application if you are seriously planning to attend if accepted. Thank you.
ShivaShakti School of Yoga does not discriminate based on gender, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, age or body shape.
Sign up today:
Sign up now! Registration Deadline: April 1.